Guangzhou Soqis electrical is a company specializing in producing high quality refrigeration equipments with primary focus on ice cream machine, ice maker machine, and kitchen freezer...etc. The advanced quality management system of the company keeps track on product design, manufacturing, quality inspection and after sale service; Employees of Soqis take mission on “best quality, highest reputation and first class service”, and they extend great attention to user requirement and strive to supply commercial refrigeration equipments which are environment friendly, energy saving, high efficiency and low energy consumption. Based on specialized technique and more than 40 years of industry experience, customers will be blessed with plenty of business opportunity by the professional design, stylish appearance and reliable product quality of our products.
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公司主要经营冰淇淋机,制冰机,炒酸奶机, 广州松奇电器是一家专业生产高品质制冷设备的厂商,主要生产商用的冰淇淋机,制冰机,炒冰机,炒冰淇淋卷机,绵绵*机,冰棒机,厨房冰柜等,公司先进的质量管理体系对产品的设计、生产、检验、售后服务进行全程跟踪,松奇人遵循“质量**,信誉**,服务**”的宗旨,关注用户的需求,努力提供绿色环保、节能和高效率低耗能的商用制冷设备,以专业的技术为基础,结合四十几年的制冷行业经验,凭借专业的设计,时尚的外观 |